This is an important meeting for us; at it we will be considering key requirements for the park’s needs now and into the future.
The meeting will be held on Easter Saturday 31st March 2018 starting 10am in the Common Room at the Riversdale Beach Holiday Park. In order to hold the meeting and pass any resolutions there must be more than 50% of the Interests (each Site is an Interest) or their proxy present. That means, of the 80 sites, at least 40 must be represented at the meeting either in person or by proxy.
If you cannot attend the meeting, or are unsure whether you can, please appoint a proxy to attend in your place. A proxy can be anyone you choose: whether they are another owner or not they can speak at the meeting and vote in your place. You can also choose to appoint the Chairperson of the Riversdale Beach Holiday Park Management Committee, to be your proxy.